How I wish I had a physical space for writing, I don’t. I guess writing for me is not about finding a perfect corner or a sunny spot in the house. The inspiration is not in the matter enclosing me, rather it’s in the matter within me. It has always been mental space that I look for before I begin -before I can start. I need to be in this particular land, imaginary of course, where only I, my hopes, my dreams, my memories and my regrets exist. Only after being present in this mental space can I write. Only then.

The Daily Post

Over at Discover, editor Mike Dang asked five bloggers to describe and take photographs of their writing spaces. Read their responses.

When you write, are you typing at your desktop computer in your home office? Drafting a blog post on your phone, right in the WordPress app? Or are you like Deborah, below, creating your desk for the day at your favorite coffee shop?

To write in, I like a cafe with wooden floors, high ceilings, and tables with ample space. Once committed, I make the place my own. I give myself over to a familiar wafting aroma. I order an Americano, no milk, no sugar please. I arrange my piping hot coffee and writing accoutrements on my “desk,” and then I take in the sounds around me. An espresso maker sputters and whirs to an undercurrent of percussion-driven electronic beats and the indiscernible vocalizations of a female singer. Voices murmur, mostly in…

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